May 27, 2009

  • What do you think of school uniforms?

    Craig's grandparents were in town for Memorial Day weekend, so Craig's parents had a big shindig at their house with many members of the family in attendance.  I was chatting with my grandmother-in-law and her sister-in-law about why we're sending Brandon to Catholic school, and how well he's doing there, when talk of school uniforms came up.  Another family member started "discussing"* how uniforms were bad, they didn't allow for individuality, and that everyone would be like mindless robots because they were like job uniforms.  Of course, I felt that I had great insight on this subject because I've been on both sides of the coin:  public school for Kindergarten and then 7th-12th grade, Catholic school from 1st-6th grade.  Granted, my opinions are based on how *I* felt, but that counts for something.

    I honestly think that school uniforms are a really good idea.  When I was younger, during the economic downturn of the early to mid 80s, our family really felt the crunch.  My father was a heavy construction worker, and there were really no jobs around.  My mom stayed at home with me and my brother because we were so young and childcare, then, as now, was pricey, especially when you relied on one income.  Because we had school uniforms, my parents could get by without buying quite as many other items of clothing.  Because I had a uniform, I never had to worry about looking trendy or stylish; I just had to abide by the dress code.  I spent one quarter of third grade in public school, and it was horrible when we're talking about my clothing; hell, going through junior high and high school was awful!  I'd spent so much time in a uniform and not knowing anything about being cool that honestly....I probably looked like some sort of homeless hillbilly.  Okay, not that bad - my clothes were all in good condition, but I wouldn't have known what was in style if it came up and poked me in the eyeballs. 

    But back to the original topic!  Why do I think uniforms are a good idea?  Well, when students don't have to worry about how they look, they can better concentrate on their studies.  When uniforms are required, students are less likely to stand out because of what they wear, reducing instances of bullying and teasing.  I don't believe that uniforms supress individuality; in fact, I believe they help encourage it; at least, they did for me.  I enjoyed expressing who I was through my jewelry, though that probably seems a bit silly.  I never felt like a mindless robot at school because I was encouraged to think and create and ask questions.  Honestly, I felt the opposite when I went to public school - though I'm sure I can't attribute that to dress code. 

    What do you think about uniforms?  There's a lot I could write, and it just escapes me for now!  I'd like to hear your perspective!

    *I use the term loosely; however, this is not the entry for that "discussion".  Maybe later.  Remind me, if you're interested. 

Comments (2)

  • i went to catholic school through 8th grade and i liked the uniforms too. (not at the time, of course. i complained about them mercilessly at the time. cus that's what you do at that tween age)

    i loved it in england when you'd see packs of school kids in uniforms walking down the street.

  • @lilms_sassy - 

    As much as I remember complaining about uniforms, I realized I *did* like them - when I see cute little mini skirts, I always favor ones that look like Catholic school uniforms!

    And dammit, I forget what else I had to say.

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